Is a titanium wedding ring for you? I found that titanium is an interesting metal, and that a titanium wedding ring really is something you should consider. Titanium is actually very common on earth, but until 1791, we humans didn’t even know it existed. Even then, though, we couldn’t isolate it for another 100 years or so. It is a gray metal that is used in alloys because of it is light and resistant nature.
Besides from the earth, it has also been found in moon rocks and meteorites.Besides titanium wedding rings, the metal has many uses. Because it resists corrosion from most anything, including salt water, acids, and even corrosive cases, it is ideal for many industries. It is used in medicine, aviation, and engineering to develop everything from prosthetic implants to building frames. It is also an inert and hypoallergenic material so it can be used most anywhere.
Titanium wedding rings are popular for many of these same reasons. Unlike with silver or gold, it is rare for a person to be allergic to a titanium wedding ring. The durability and resistance to corrosion also make titanium wedding rings a worthy investment. After all, it is a piece of jewelry you will be wearing basically every day for the rest of your life. It is also light weight for the level of strength is provides, so wearing it will not get in the way of your day to day activities like some heavier metals might.
Functionality is not the only reason to think about a titanium wedding ring, though. It is a very beautiful metal as well. Not unlike white gold or silver in appearance, it polishes up very nicely. The durability then allows that beauty to be easily maintained even through the daily wear and tear that is so common with wedding jewelry. Also, by use of different polishes and finishes, titanium wedding rings can be made in a variety of looks with a plethora of shades and colors.
Often time, heat can bring about color change in titanium and is thus used by jewelers to get different looks for different titanium wedding rings.Another way jewelers will create unique looks in titanium wedding rings is through inlays. Titanium can easily be inlaid with various precious metals and gems. Because of its strength, titanium is more difficult to work with, but once it is made how you like it will keep its look and likely last you a lifetime.Titanium is one of the great discoveries of the last two hundred years.
It is useful in a number of industries and technologies and has unique properties that make it incredibly versatile. However, it also makes for great jewelry. Titanium wedding rings are becoming more and more popular because of the durability they offer you. Wedding rings are worn a lot so the strength and beauty of titanium makes for a great combination that you should consider when it comes time to choose your wedding ring material.
By Christopher Luck
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